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eValid -- Site Analysis Report Key Explanations
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SiteMap Report Key
The reports generated with the eValid Site Analysis feature are all displayed in table format. There are four variations of complete site reports, selected with the Site Analysis Complete menu. All four of these reports contain link and link dependence information. The Map reports show dependence by indentation within the table structure; the List reports enumerate all of the the links found.

Report Format and Layout.
Each line of an eValid Site Analysis report has one of the following formats:

Anchor-Type URL Download-Time, Byte-Count
Anchor-Type URL [excluded URL]
Anchor-Type URL [off-site link]
Anchor-Type URL [status = number]
Anchor-Type URL [status unknown]
Anchor-Type URL [status = unknown (Broken)]
Anchor-Type URL Message
Anchor-Type URL [script error]

Key Meanings.
Here are the specific meanings of each of the pieces of data that you will see in the Site Analysis Reports.

Anchor-Type The type of HTML syntax that gave rise to the URL.
Within the children of any URL all of the links are listed in alphabetic order of their tag types.
URL The actual URL link.
Download-Time Total download time recorded by eValid for download of the entire URL.
Byte-Count Total byte-count recorded for entire URL.
[excluded URL] Link was blocked from the scan because some string in the URL matched a string in the Excluded URLs file.
[off-site link] Link was "off site" relative to the current definitions of which URLs are "on site" and "off site".
[status = number] Return code for this URL (usually a broken or unavailable link).
Please see Server Error Code list for a complete explanation of the meaning of each number.
[status = unknown] Usually this is the result of interrupting the search before the status of the subject link could be analyzed.
[R] Link is a repeat. This happens when the specific link was already mentioned earlier in the current report.
[status = unknown (Broken)] For broken pages that returned a non-standard HTTP status code.
Message This message explains what the meaning or status of the line is.
[script error] There is some kind of script langauge error, most often a Javascript error.
[exists] The URL is a secure page that requires authentication and is confirmed to exist. The Server Error Code that causes this usually is a "401" status.