Your e-Business Quality Partner eValid™ -- The Web Quality Suite
Browser-Based Client-Side Functional Testing and Validation Page Timing/Tuning Transaction Monitoring. WebSite Spidering & Analysis and Realistic Server Loading.

eValid -- Multi-Browser Checking
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Question: What does THIS web page look like on THESE device's browsers?

This page describes how eValid can answer the question: What does THIS web page look like on THESE device's browsers? This is a very common issue: One wants a web page to appear to be the same on a variety of devices, or, if the server supports it, the web page should adapt to the type of device.

It's easy to answer this question eValid using some key capabilities of the product suite:

  1. Mimic a device using eValid's ability to alter the information presented to the server about the device where the page is to be viewed. This is accomplished with the SetUserAgent command. It lets you specify the type of browser to mimic in communications between the browser and the web application server.

  2. Run a single script against a sequence of inputs, a feature called Data Synthesis Mode. A sequence of value assignments is applied to a parametric script automatically.

  3. Save a copy of the screen window after the page has been rendered, using the SaveWindow command, which puts the contents of a named window into a specified file in eValid's working area.

  • Imitates the properties of THAT devices browser:
  • Renders THIS web page in that mode in an eValid sub-window: and,
  • Saves a screen image that web page looks when rendered that way.

    Script Description

    # Recording by eValid V9 Build #321
    # Copyright © 2014 by Software Research, Inc. 
    # Recording made on: Microsoft Windows Vista Service Pack 1 
    ProjectID "Project"
    GroupID "Documentation"
    TestID "Launch"
    DataSynthesisFile "browserENV.txt"
    # Go to our special NEW WINDOW triggered setup webpage...
    InitLink "" \
    # Assign the desired browser type(s) via the UserAgentString variable...
    SetUserAgent "$UAS"
    # Find the above NEW WINDOW selected Anchor Tag property...
    IndexSet 0
    IndexFindElement 0 DOWN "innerHTML" "<A HREF=../URL>Title Of Page</A>" ""
    # Add the associated attribute value "TARGET=NEW-WINDOW"...
    ValueSet "NEW-WINDOW"
    ValuePutElement 0 "target" ""
    IndexFollowLink 0 ""
    # Based on pre-assigned $name=value pairs, you can modify the browserENV.txt file accordingly...
    GotoLink 1 "$WEB" ""
    Delay 5000
    SaveWindow 1 "$SAVE"
    Wait 5000
    # Uncomment this command only if you want to verify your current browser's identity...
    #GotoLink 1 "" ""
    #Wait 5000
    # End of script.

    Data Description
    The data used in this example is shown below. (The lines have been folded to make them easier to read; they should be unfolded [joined] before use.)

    $	$SAVE=IE7	$UAS=Mozilla/5.0%20(Windows;%20U;%20MSIE%207.0;
    $	$SAVE=Chrome32	$UAS=Mozilla/5.0%20(Windows%20NT%206.2;%20Win64;
    $	$SAVE=Firefox25	$UAS=Mozilla/5.0%20(Windows%20NT%206.1;%20Win64;
    $	$SAVE=MSSurface	$UAS=Mozilla/5.0%20(compatible;%20MSIE%2010.0;
    $	$SAVE=iPad	$UAS=Mozilla/5.0%20(iPad;%20CPU%20OS%206_0%20like%20Mac%20OS%20X)
    $	$SAVE=iPhone	$UAS=Mozilla/5.0%20(iPhone;%20U;%20CPU%20like%20Mac%20OS%20X;
    $	$SAVE=Blackberry	$UAS=Mozilla/5.0%20(BlackBerry;%20U;%20BlackBerry%209900;
    $	$SAVE=Nexus7	$UAS=Mozilla/5.0%20(Linux;%20Android%204.3
    $	$SAVE=Kindle	$UAS=Mozilla/5.0%20(Linux;%20U;%20Android%204.0.3;
    $	$SAVE=SamsungGalaxyS4	$UAS=Mozilla/5.0%20(Linux;%20U;%20Android%204.2.2;

    The output of running the script... ScreenShots...