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16 February 2006 Bertrand Meyer Takes On Problems of Offshore Outsourcing.
According to sources cited by Bertand Meyer (ETH Zurich) in his article, The Unspoken Revolution (IEEE Computer, January 2006), IT outsourcing from US Companies to non-US companies has grown to ~$100B/year in 2005, an amount representing about one third of entire US IT budgets. Good news for the outsourcing firms, and bad news for the US IT community? It seems There's No Stopping the Offshore-Outsourcing Train, as this recent Forrester Research study shows.

But not necessarily, Meyer holds. While costs are very low on a per-staff-hour basis -- and this fact alone often is the main reason why many outsourcing contracts are sold -- total project costs don't necessarily show a corresponding decrease. Instead of a "crisis" it may be that this is an "opportunity" for the software engineering community, says Prof. Meyer.

Meyer argues that " engineering -- a systematic discipline based on quality tools..." ought to make it possible to make offshore development work to everyone's benefit: local experts and (low priced) offshore programmers alike. Meyer argues, "Quality is indeed the central issue." That how good what's delivered is JUST as important as the cost -- in the long term scheme of things.

To focus more attention on how this can be done, Meyer is putting together a workshop to help foment in-depth discussions of the technical issues raised by mixed on-shore/off-shore development strategies. Check out Software Engineering Approaches for Offshore and Outsourced Development (SEAFOOD), scheduled for October 2006 in Zurich, Switzerland. Food for thought. Very healthy food for thought.