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eValid -- PageMap Usage
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eValid's PageMap provides users with the ability to systematically examine the detail of the current page. Here is a quick description of PageMap operation. (See also the complete PageMap Manual.)

Basic Operation of eVaild PageMap

How To Use The PageMap
Here are the main features of the PageMap and how to use them.

  1. Toggle here to turn the PageMap ON or OFF. You can use the PageMap in browser mode, during recording, or during playback. (The diagram shows the PageMap activated and in the ON state.)

  2. With the PageMap ON, right click here to instruct the PageMap to show you the details of the selected page element.

  3. With the PageMap ON, select a section here (3a) to have eValid show you the selected page element that corresponds to it (3b) outlined in a blinking black border.

  4. With the PageMap ON, use the up and down arrows to move up or down through the pagemap.

  5. Navigate in this region to find, for any element on the page, the defined properties of any page (5a), and the value of each property (5b).


  1. See also the complete PageMap Manual.
  2. If the PageMap is ON during playback and the page is complex you may notice slowdowns. It is best to leave the PageMap OFF during playback.
  3. You may need to make the page map larger to view the value of an attribute that is long (these strings are not folded).