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eValid -- Microsoft Maps Live AJAX Demonstration -- Example Script #2
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This page presents eValid's solution to testing and validating Microsoft's search and mapping solution Maps Live. It shows how Example Script #2 works. Please see the Top Level Description for background information about this Example Script.

Script Description
The developed script involves the following steps:

  1. Go to the starting page,, which redirects to the Maps Live application.

  2. Synchronize playback on the arrival of the complete pager. The page is now ready for a request.

  3. Type in a Search Maps request for "San Francisco California". Click "Search Maps" to start the search.

  4. Choose to "Browse all categories" on the screen and Synchronize on the arrival of the result page. This synchronization requires that the readyState be complete at a particular page element.

  5. Click on the "Banks" link on the left hand side to display the map locations where we can try to confirm that the results list does contain the expected search item.

  6. As you can see, all of the results in the graphic area are clustered together, so we need to zoom in so they are separated.

  7. Now, Click on Wells Fargo's balloon "#" to display the selected map's details.

  8. Validation of an object property is performed on the "#" balloon to confirm that the resulted map details are for the requested search.

Example Script #2
Here is the final eValid script for this example.

# Recording by eValid?V8 Build #264 
# Copyright ?2008 by Software Research, Inc. 
# Recording made on: Microsoft Windows Vista (IE 7.0.6000.16643)

ProjectID "Project"
GroupID "Group"
TestID "MapsLive"

ScreenSize 1440 900
FontSize 2

# Step 1: Startup...
InitLink ""

# Step 2: To assure the page is ready (AJAX) replaces Wait with DOM sync...
#Wait 11700
SyncOnSelectedObjProperty 0 227 "className" "MSVE_PoweredByLogo MSVE_PoweredByLogo_ie" "readyState" "complete" ""

# Step 3: Choose a location "San Francisco California"...
InputValue 0 85 "TEXT" "sb_form_q" "q" "San Francisco" " California" "" ""
Wait 556
SubmitClick 0 86 "sb_form_go" "go" "" ""

# Step 4: Then choose to browse categories that are available...
#Wait 3875
SyncOnSelectedObjProperty 0 330 "innerHTML" "Popular business categories:" "readyStateValue" "4" ""

# Step 5: Now choose to look just at "Banks" and validate listing balloon "#"...
FollowLink 0 316 "Banks" "javascript:__doPostBack('TaskHost$placeSearchPanel$placePanelCategoryBro" \
	"wser$internalRepeater$ctl01$categoryItemLink','')" ""
#Wait 23228
SyncOnSelectedObjProperty 0 0 "innerHTML" "All Listings" "readyStateValue" "4" ""
ValidateSelectedText 0 483 1 "Bank" ""
Wait 2725
ValidateSelectedText 0 489 0 "1266 Market St" ""

# Step 6: The listings' map data points overlap, so zoom in a total of five times...

SyncOnSelectedObjProperty 0 0 "id" "MSVE_navAction_tinyZoomBar_plus" "readyStateValue" "4" ""

# Note: These next commands were created after study of the application using the PageMap...

ElementMouseDown 0 0 "MSVE_navAction_tinyZoomBar_plus" "" ""
ElementMouseUp 0 0 "MSVE_navAction_tinyZoomBar_plus" "" ""
Delay 1000

ElementMouseDown 0 0 "MSVE_navAction_tinyZoomBar_plus" "" ""
ElementMouseUp 0 0 "MSVE_navAction_tinyZoomBar_plus" "" ""
Delay 1000

ElementMouseDown 0 0 "MSVE_navAction_tinyZoomBar_plus" "" ""
ElementMouseUp 0 0 "MSVE_navAction_tinyZoomBar_plus" "" ""
Delay 1000

ElementMouseDown 0 0 "MSVE_navAction_tinyZoomBar_plus" "" ""
ElementMouseUp 0 0 "MSVE_navAction_tinyZoomBar_plus" "" ""
Delay 1000

ElementMouseDown 0 0 "MSVE_navAction_tinyZoomBar_plus" "" ""
ElementMouseUp 0 0 "MSVE_navAction_tinyZoomBar_plus" "" ""
Delay 1000

# Step 7: Now bring up the results on the chosen bank...
#Wait 13556
SyncOnSelectedObjProperty 0 330 "id" "pin_YN114x1985923" "nameProp" "pushin hover"  ""
#FollowLink 0 183 "6" javascript://pushin hover" "" NO_NAV
# The above ORIGINAL script command replaced with more flexible MOTION commands:
IndexFindElement 0 DOWN "id" "pin_YN114x1985923" ""
IndexFollowLink 0 "" NO_NAV

# Step 8: Validate that balloon "#" is the same as the "#" listing item...
Wait 2165
ValidateSelectedText 0 895 0 "1266 Market St" ""
Wait 3042
ValidateSelectedText 0 892 0 "Wells Fargo Bank" ""

# End of script.

Screen Shots
Here are screen shots that show the progress of playback of this script.

Additional Notes

  1. On this application all movements of the mouse with the left-button held down inside the graphical display area causes movement of the graphical area. Because this is a desktop oriented activity we engineered the example to do its motion using mouse events on the "zoom in" "zoom out" and control compass wheel.

  2. The way we arrived at the MouseDown/MouseUp sequence that causes the display area to zoom in five stages deserves some explanation:
    1. First, we observed that mouse click events simulated with, for example, an eValid IndexElementClick command did not cause activity on the map area.
    2. We also noted, when you hover your cursor over the "Zoom In" option, you get a popup advisory message that says "Zoom in. To zoom continuously, click and hold the mouse button". This implies that this area is sensitive to the mouse being held down continuously, and that rules out a "click".
    3. Using the PageMap we noted that the particular element for the "zoom in" option has an element "id = MSVS_navAction_tinyZoomBar_plus".
    4. Then, we programmed the eValid script to do an ElementMouseDown followed by an ElementMouseUp pair, to effect each Zoom In stage.
    5. The commands use an index of 0 because we don't want to rely on the action being on a particular place. The initial 0 value will activate the Adaptive Playback, and eValid will search for the first-matching element where the id "id = MSVS_navAction_tinyZoomBar_plus", where it does a MouseDown. Then, without any intervening delay, evalid does the same search (which finds the same element) and executes a MouseUp.
    6. We put a Delay 1000 in between each of the zoom-in steps to make sure there would be no ambiguity in the events sent to the browser (e.g. to prevent the synthetic input from being mistaken for a double click or a simple clidk).
    7. The effect is that the display zooms in one step at a time, as required.