eValid -- SalesForce Example1 Test Script
eValid Home

# Recording by eValid V9
# Copyright (c) 2014 by Software Research, Inc. 
# Recording made on: Microsoft Windows Vista

ProjectID "eValid"
GroupID "Program"
TestID "SalesForce2"


# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Step 1: Go to https://login.salesforce.com...
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
InitLink "https://login.salesforce.com/"
Wait 9307
SyncOnText 0 "Password" ""
Wait 7708
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Step 2: Input your UserName and Password and Click the Login button...
# Note: You may need to supply your own user-name and password from 
# SalesForce if these credentials do not work.   Or, you can use any
# SalesForce account and start the script AFTER the login.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
InputValue 0 71 "TEXT" "username" "username" "evalid@gmail.com" "" ""
Wait 3692
InputValue 0 75 "TEXT" "password" "pw" "SRtestsf2014" "" ""
Wait 2652
SubmitClick 0 79 "Login" "Login" "Log in to Salesforce" "" NAV
Wait 4255
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Step 3: Await Authentication and navigation to the Getting Started webpage...
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Wait 15575
SyncOnText 0 "How to Navigate Your Salesforce CRM Trial" "number:0"
Wait 3838
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Step 4: Click on the Accounts tab to go to Accounts Home area...
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Wait 1786
FollowLink 0 128 "Accounts" "https://na17.salesforce.com/001/o" ""
Wait 3007
SyncOnText 0 "Recent Accounts" ""
Wait 3513
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Step 5: Click on the New button to go to Account Edit New Account...
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
ButtonClick 0 317 "" "new" " New " "" NAV
Wait 676
SyncOnText 0 "Account Information" ""
Wait 5892
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Step 6: Add Input data by navigating some Input fields and Click to Save...
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
InputValue 0 305 "TEXT" "acc2" "acc2" "Testing" "" ""
Wait 9306
InputValue 0 909 "TEXTAREA" "acc17street" "acc17street" "1663 Mission St" \
	"reet" "" ""
Wait 4423
InputValue 0 918 "TEXT" "acc17city" "acc17city" "San Francisco" "" ""
Wait 4729
InputValue 0 56 "TEXT" "acc17state" "acc17state" "California" "" ""
Wait 3466
InputValue 0 1060 "TEXT" "acc17zip" "acc17zip" "94103" "" ""
Wait 1868
InputValue 0 56 "TEXT" "acc17country" "acc17country" "USA" "" ""
Wait 4580
SubmitClick 0 288 "" "save" " Save " "" NAV
Wait 2721
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Step 7: The named New Account is created and displayed...
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Wait 6685
SyncOnText 0 "All Updates" ""
Wait 9869
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Step 8: Click to add New Contact record information...
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
ButtonClick 0 1419 "" "newContact" "New Contact" "" NAV
Wait 12670
SyncOnText 0 "First Name" ""
Wait 4104
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Step 9: Navigate the Contact Edit area and Add data for "Bob Anderson"...
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
InputValue 0 317 "TEXT" "name_firstcon2" "name_firstcon2" "Bob" "" ""
Wait 12040
InputValue 0 328 "TEXT" "name_lastcon2" "name_lastcon2" "Anderson" "" ""
Wait 15465
InputValue 0 374 "TEXT" "con15" "con15" "evalid@e-valid.com" "" ""
Wait 2951
ElementBlur 0 374 "con10" "" ""
Wait 417
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Step 10: Click Save to create the record...
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
SubmitClick 0 288 "" "save" " Save " "" NAV
Wait 1184
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Step 11: The new Contact "Bob Anderson" record is created and displayed...
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Delay 1000
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Step 12: A Reminder option is triggered in a pop-up window...
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
SubFrameSet 1 "salesforce.com"
Wait 12535
SyncOnText 1 "You have just created a new contact." ""
Wait 3096
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Step 13: Click the Yes button to close the pop-up window...
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
SubmitClick 1 28 "" "yes" " Yes " "" NAV
Wait 447
WindowClose 1
Wait 766
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Step 14: Click the CANCEL option after the Send a Stay-In-Touch Request appears...
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Wait 15213
SyncOnText 0 "To request updated information from your contact" ""
Wait 1730
ButtonClick 0 288 "" "cancel" "Cancel" "" NAV
Wait 1192
Wait 6969
SyncOnText 0 "Followers" ""
Wait 4140
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Step 15: End the scenario by Clicking on Logout...
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Wait 12419
FollowLink 0 97 "Logout" "https://na17.salesforce.com/secur/logout.jsp" ""
Wait 15021
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Step 16: Your session logged out successfully...
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
SyncOnText 0 "Remember User Name" ""
# End of Script