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eValid -- Microsoft SkyDrive EXCEL "Input Data" Example #3
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This page presents another one of eValid's demonstration of functional/regression testing inside the SkyDrive environment using the Microsoft Excel workbook application. The scripting was done by recording where possible "from life" followed by manual script adjustment by use of eValid structural (index/motion) commands.

The scripts below are organized as follows:

Here is the complete set of scripts used in this example.

Screen Shots
Here are screen shots that show the progress of the playback of the goExcel1.evs script and the scripts it calls. All of the images show up in a separate window.

Additional Notes

  1. The above scripts were recorded from life and then augmented to handle the SpreadSheet's cell text entry area. From life commands are left in the script as comments so you can see where they were replaced/augmented.

  2. Playback is slightly depending on allowing the Waits to run as recorded. Improving the scripts so that you do not depend on Waits at all is technically possible but requires finding each de-synchronization point and replacing it with the appropriate signal's DOM processing command.

  3. Playback is dependent upon TAB/SHIFT-TAB/ENTER to maneuver between each cell's row and column positionally, before text input is determined. To deviate from keyboard movements would require being able to uniquely find each cell's unique element attribute(s).

  4. It appears that the SpreadSheet is not available for input until it is fully rendered... Thus relying on instances of a SyncOnText for the "Loading" signal is not enough, so various other synchronization points also included.