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eValid -- InputValue Adaptive Playback Illustration
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Milk Butter Cheese

This page illustrates how eValid adaptive playback operates within an InputValue command relative to a CHECKBOX object -- the one shown above.

Description of Script and Demonstration Process

  1. This page includes a simple table with a CHECKBOX named "option2". RightClick and use "View Source" to see this page.
  2. Shown below is an eValid script that includes eight instances of the InputValue command, as follows:

    1. eValid supplies the specified value into the input CHECKBOX, in the correct location.
    2. eValid supplies the specified value into the input CHECKBOX, but at an INCORRECT location. In this case Adaptive Playback will find the CHECKBOX of the specified name on the page and type with the value.
    3. eValid supplies the specified value into the input CHECKBOX, with the Adaptive Playback feature forced ON by setting the idx for the command to "0".
    4. eValid supplies a different name into the input CHECKBOX, with the Adaptive Playback feature where the idx stayed the same.
    5. eValid supplies the same name into the input CHECKBOX, with the Adaptive Playback feature where the idx is different.
    6. eValid supplies a different name into the input CHECKBOX, with the Adaptive Playback feature where the value is same.
    7. eValid supplies a different name and value into the input CHECKBOX, with the Adaptive Playback feature where the idx is the same.
    8. eValid supplies the same name and value into the input CHECKBOX, with the Adaptive Playback feature where the type is different.

  3. Cut/paste the script from below into the eValid script window and press Play.
  4. The eValid Eventlog responses illustrate eValid operation in all three cases.
  5. CAUTION! If the name of the box is not unique on the page, then adaptive playback will identify the first occurring box of the required name, even if that is NOT the correct box. Having non-unique names for objects is not recommended.

Here is the script for which playback by eValid will illustrate all of the Adaptive Playback capabilities described above.

# Recording by eValid(TM) 
# Copyright @ 2010 by Software Research, Inc. 
# Recording made on: Microsoft Windows 2000 Service Pack 3 (IE 6.0.2800.1106)
# Recording started: 

ProjectID "eValid"
GroupID "Doc"
TestID "16-input-value"

ValidVersion 6 0 208
ScreenSize 1280 1024
FontSize 1
InitLink "" \

Note "(1) CORRECT idx LOCATION instance..."
InputValue 0 50 "CHECKBOX" "" "option2" "Butter" "TRUE" ""
Wait 2000

Note "(2) INCORRECT idx LOCATION instance with Adaptive Playback and another CHECKBOX..."
InputValue 0 51 "CHECKBOX" "" "option2" "Butter" "TRUE" ""
Wait 2000

Note "(3) INCORRECT idx LOCATION instance with Adaptive Playback and type is not a CHECKBOX..."
InputValue 0 0 "CHECKBOX" "" "option2" "Butter" "TRUE" ""
Wait 2000

Note "(4) CORRECT idx LOCATION instance with Adaptive Playback and name is different..."
InputValue 0 50 "CHECKBOX" "" "option3" "Butter" "TRUE" ""
Wait 2000

Note "(5) INCORRECT idx LOCATION instance with Adaptive Playback and name is the same..."
InputValue 0 41 "CHECKBOX" "" "option2" "Butter" "TRUE" ""
Wait 2000

Note "(6) CORRECT idx LOCATION instance with Adaptive Playback and name is different..."
InputValue 0 50 "CHECKBOX" "" "option4" "Butter" "TRUE" ""
Wait 2000

Note "(7) CORRECT idx LOCATION instance with Adaptive Playback where name and value are different..."
InputValue 0 50 "CHECKBOX" "" "option3" "Bacon" "TRUE" ""
Wait 2000

Note "(8) CORRECT idx LOCATION instance with Adaptive Playback the same name and value with a different type..."
InputValue 0 39 "TEXT" "" "option2" "Butter" "TRUE" ""
Wait 2000

# Recording stopped:

Event Log
Here are the key portions of the eValid Event Log output that results from playback of the above script. These Event Log entries illustrate the eValid Adaptive Playback feature in operation.

#Starting Playback: [checkbox.evs]
checkbox   OK           0       0       -  Current screen resolution meets or exceeds 1280 x 1024
checkbox   OK           0       0       0  Command completed: ScreenSize
checkbox   OK          50      50       -  Setting FontSize to SMALL
checkbox   OK          50       0      50  Command completed: FontSize
checkbox   OK         120      70       -  Removing Internet Cache (excluding cookies)
checkbox   OK         150      30       -  Downloaded: "" [3753 bytes, 100 msec(s), status code: 200].
checkbox   OK         300     150       -  Internet Cache (excluding cookies) removed
checkbox   OK         300       0     250  Command completed: DeleteCache [Downloaded: 3753 bytes, Rate: 15.012 bytes/msec ( 120.1 Kbs )]
checkbox   OK         361      61       -  Internet Cookies removed
checkbox   OK         361       0      61  Command completed: DeleteCookies
checkbox   OK         411      50       -  Starting at:
checkbox   OK         481      70       -  Downloaded: "" [18587 bytes, 40 msec(s), status code: 200].
checkbox   OK         511      30       -  Downloaded: "" [3384 bytes, 30 msec(s), status code: 200].
checkbox   OK         621     110       -  Downloaded: "" [2070 bytes, 80 msec(s), status code: 200].
checkbox   OK         691      70       -  Document Complete:
checkbox   OK         701      10     340  Command completed: InitLink [] [Downloaded: 24041 bytes, Rate: 70.709 bytes/msec ( 565.7 Kbs )]
checkbox   MESSAGE    751      50       -  Note: "(1) CORRECT idx LOCATION instance..."
checkbox   MESSAGE    751       0      50  Command completed: Note
checkbox   OK         801      50       -  Setting CHECKBOX item at index 39. Name=option2, Value=Butter [TRUE]
checkbox   OK        1833    1032    1082  Command completed: InputValue
checkbox   OK        1963     130       -  Waiting [2000 ms * 1.00]
checkbox   OK        3966    2003    2133  Command completed: Wait
checkbox   MESSAGE   4016      50       -  Note: "(2) INCORRECT idx LOCATION instance with Adaptive Playback and another CHECKBOX..."
checkbox   MESSAGE   4016       0      50  Command completed: Note
checkbox   OK        4066      50       -  Setting CHECKBOX item at index 40. Name=option2, Value=Butter [TRUE]
checkbox   WARNING   4066       0       -  CHECKBOX Name and Value property at index 40 changed from "option2" to "option3", "Butter" to "Cheese", respectively. Beginning adaptive action to find exact match...
checkbox   WARNING   4066       0       -  Found CHECKBOX item, "option2", at index 39.
checkbox   WARNING   5067    1001    1051  Command completed: InputValue
checkbox   OK        5117      50       -  Waiting [2000 ms * 1.00]
checkbox   OK        7120    2003    2053  Command completed: Wait
checkbox   MESSAGE   7170      50       -  Note: "(3) INCORRECT idx LOCATION instance with Adaptive Playback and type is not a CHECKBOX..."
checkbox   MESSAGE   7170       0      50  Command completed: Note
checkbox   OK        7220      50       -  Setting CHECKBOX item at index 0. Name=option2, Value=Butter [TRUE]
checkbox   WARNING   7220       0       -  Item at index 0 is not a CHECKBOX item. Beginning adaptive action...
checkbox   WARNING   7220       0       -  Found CHECKBOX item, "option2", at index 39.
checkbox   WARNING   8242    1022    1072  Command completed: InputValue
checkbox   OK        8292      50       -  Waiting [2000 ms * 1.00]
checkbox   OK       10295    2003    2053  Command completed: Wait
checkbox   MESSAGE  10345      50       -  Note: "(4) CORRECT idx LOCATION instance with Adaptive Playback and name is different..."
checkbox   MESSAGE  10345       0      50  Command completed: Note
checkbox   OK       10395      50       -  Setting CHECKBOX item at index 39. Name=option3, Value=Butter [TRUE]
checkbox   WARNING  10395       0       -  CHECKBOX Name property at index 39 changed from "option3" to "option2". Beginning adaptive action to find exact match...
checkbox   WARNING  10395       0       -  No match found for CHECKBOX item, "option3" 
checkbox   WARNING  10395       0       -  Trying first possibly matched CHECKBOX item, "option2", at index 39.
checkbox   WARNING  11426    1031    1081  Command completed: InputValue
checkbox   OK       11476      50       -  Waiting [2000 ms * 1.00]
checkbox   OK       13479    2003    2053  Command completed: Wait
checkbox   MESSAGE  13529      50       -  Note: "(5) INCORRECT idx LOCATION instance with Adaptive Playback and name is the same..."
checkbox   MESSAGE  13529       0      50  Command completed: Note
checkbox   OK       13580      51       -  Setting CHECKBOX item at index 41. Name=option2, Value=Butter [TRUE]
checkbox   WARNING  13580       0       -  Item at index 41 is not a CHECKBOX item. Beginning adaptive action...
checkbox   WARNING  13580       0       -  Found CHECKBOX item, "option2", at index 39.
checkbox   WARNING  14601    1021    1072  Command completed: InputValue
checkbox   OK       14651      50       -  Waiting [2000 ms * 1.00]
checkbox   OK       16654    2003    2053  Command completed: Wait
checkbox   MESSAGE  16704      50       -  Note: "(6) CORRECT idx LOCATION instance with Adaptive Playback and name is different..."
checkbox   MESSAGE  16704       0      50  Command completed: Note
checkbox   OK       16754      50       -  Setting CHECKBOX item at index 39. Name=option4, Value=Butter [TRUE]
checkbox   WARNING  16754       0       -  CHECKBOX Name property at index 39 changed from "option4" to "option2". Beginning adaptive action to find exact match...
checkbox   WARNING  16764      10       -  No match found for CHECKBOX item, "option4" 
checkbox   WARNING  16764       0       -  Trying first possibly matched CHECKBOX item, "option2", at index 39.
checkbox   WARNING  17786    1022    1082  Command completed: InputValue
checkbox   OK       17836      50       -  Waiting [2000 ms * 1.00]
checkbox   OK       19839    2003    2053  Command completed: Wait
checkbox   MESSAGE  19889      50       -  Note: "(7) CORRECT idx LOCATION instance with Adaptive Playback where name and value are different..."
checkbox   MESSAGE  19889       0      50  Command completed: Note
checkbox   OK       19939      50       -  Setting CHECKBOX item at index 39. Name=option3, Value=Bacon [TRUE]
checkbox   WARNING  19939       0       -  CHECKBOX Name and Value property at index 39 changed from "option3" to "option2", "Bacon" to "Butter", respectively. Beginning adaptive action to find exact match...
checkbox   WARNING  19939       0       -  No match found for CHECKBOX item, "option3" 
checkbox   WARNING  19949      10       -  Trying first possibly matched CHECKBOX item, "option2", at index 39.
checkbox   WARNING  20970    1021    1081  Command completed: InputValue
checkbox   OK       21020      50       -  Waiting [2000 ms * 1.00]
checkbox   OK       23033    2013    2063  Command completed: Wait
checkbox   MESSAGE  23083      50       -  Note: "(8) CORRECT idx LOCATION instance with Adaptive Playback the same name and value with a different type..."
checkbox   MESSAGE  23083       0      50  Command completed: Note
checkbox   OK       23133      50       -  Setting TEXT item at index 39. Name=option2, Value=Butter [TRUE]
checkbox   WARNING  23133       0       -  Item at index 39 is not a TEXT item. Beginning adaptive action...
checkbox   ERROR    23133       0       -  No match found for TEXT item, "option2" 
checkbox   ERROR    23133       0      50  Command completed: InputValue
checkbox   OK       23193      60       -  Waiting [2000 ms * 1.00]
checkbox   OK       25206    2013    2073  Command completed: Wait
checkbox   END      25216                  