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eValid -- Logfile Formats & Content Description
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eValid writes logfiles that collectively contain all details of activity. This page is an explanation of the format of these files.

Format: All eValid files have these general features:

eValid Logfile Format
Field Name Identifier
Data Type
#...   Any line that begins with a # is treated as a comment. This lets you annotate logfiles if you wish.

The first line of each logfile is a generated comment that identifies the type of file and the date the file was created.

Date & Time DateTime
[Date Time]
string string
[string, string]
YYYY/MM/DD format is used to make sorting on this field easy.
Time is expressed as HH:MM:SS on a 24-hour clock basis.
The timestamp information has two non-blank subfields separated by a blank.
Seq. #
(Major Event Counter)
This number counts each output line in the log file.
Cmd. #
(Minor Event Number)
This number counts the unique events in the logfile, e.g. all of the entries in the logfile pertaining to one command execution.
Script Line Number Line
The line number within the current script of the command being executed.
(Project Name)
This name is declared in the script with the ProjectName "name" call. The value for the Project Name can also be set in the Preferences Menu.

A testing Project can consist of many Groups, and each Group can consist of many Tests.

(Group Name)
This name is declared in the script with the GroupName "name" call. The value for the Group Name can also be set in the Preferences Menu.

A testing Project can consist of many Groups, and each Group can consist of many Tests.

(Test Name)
This name is declared in the script with the TestName "name" call. The value for the Test Name can also be set in the Preferences Menu.

A testing Project can consist of many Groups, and each Group can consist of many Tests.

Status Status
The return indicator for that line in the logfile, e.g. OK for that line of the logfile.
Accum. Time
(Overall Elapsed Time)
The total number of milliseconds that have elapsed since the beginning of this command.
Fine Time FineTime
The total number of milliseconds that have elapsed since the beginning of this particular event.
Total Command Time CommandTime
The total number of milliseconds required for eValid's interpretation and execution of the particular command just processed.
Messages & Download Ratios Notes
These comments vary with the specific command and may involve multiple fields. In most cases the meaning of this field is self-explanatory.