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eValid -- InputValue Command Processing in Playback
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This command is used to feed inputs of a variety of types into a range of objects. The explanation below applies to the InputValue command and also to the IndexInputValue command.

Included input areas are text, text area, hidden fields, radio buttons, checkboxes, and single or multiple selections in drop down menus.

InputValue Command Description

STAN InputValue wid idx "type" "id" "name" "extra-1" "extra-2" "frame_path" Record
For information concerning the type, id, extra-1, and extra-2 parameter please see the detailed descriptions below.  

The InputValue command provides support for a variety of types of input objects that eValid records from on a web application.

The specific command recorded by eValid depends on the details of the properties of that object as discovered by eValid at record time.

This command can also be edited for special effects, i.e. to provide support for input modes that are not identical to that which eValid recorded.

wid and idx have their regular eValid meanings: window identifier, e.g. 0, and DOM index number, e.g. 123.

The "id" value in the command is picked from the DOM at record time and is used by eValid primarily as the basis (the so-called "pivot") for Adaptive Playback actions taken when the idx does not match the properties of the object as recorded (i.e. when the page has changed). The assumption is that the id value is unique on the page (within the frame_path).

Note: Some scripts recorded with earlier version of eValid (prior to V7) will have to be edited to add a "" for the id value. Using a blank value will cause eValid to go into Adaptive Playback mode without a specified id, and this usually results in successful playback based on the index search alone.

The table below provides a list of acceptable values for the other parameters that this command processes.

"type" Parameter

This must be specified exactly as stated below.

"extra-1" Parameter

Usually taken from the PageMap

"extra-2" Parameter

Must be as specified, or for SELECT-MULT a list of indexes to be selected.

TEXT value property ""
TEXTAREA value property ""
HIDDEN value property ""
RADIO value property "TRUE" or "FALSE"
CHECKBOX value property "TRUE" or "FALSE"
SELECT-ONE text of selected option selected index, e.g. "1"
SELECT-MULT Text of all selected options. Each option is separated by ||. For example: A||B||C||... Comma-separated list of selected indexes. The options are case sensitive.