Your e-Business Quality Partner Don't Miss This Important Webcast from eValid™  
Web Testing Productivity: Less IS More!

Best practices to improve web application quality and
performance, without breaking the bank.

Thursday, February 19th -- 2:00 PM Eastern Time / 11:00 AM Pacific Time
Outline In times like these, productivity issues count.

This webcast discusses the challenges that many businesses face today, and shows how our recommended solution can amplify your productivity and improve delivered quality.

Your website is key to your business success, and problems with content, performance, consistency, internal organization, and reliability will hurt your bottom line!

This webinar will give you the benefit of years of insight and experience as it outlines the basics of amplifying your web application development productivity and improving your delivered Web Application Quality.

Less really CAN be more!

Speaker Join Edward Miller, eValid's Chief Architect, to learn how eValid technology addresses how to:
  • Leverage use of InBrowser technology to simplify web application testing.
  • Create reliable, reproducible tests quickly and inexpensively.
  • Tag key performance data to monitor application performance.
  • Exercise AJAX applications in a realistic way.
  • Generate 100% realistic loads to confirm you server capacity.
  • Spider your site to identify content problems and issues.
  • Combine these key functions into a cost-effective QA package.
Edward Miller, eValid Chief Architect
Moderator Rita Bral, VP/Communications of Software Research, will act as moderator for the webinar, drawing upon her years of experience as a communicator (Rita speaks five languages), and her credentials as an event organizer. Rita Bral, VP/Communcations, 
			Software Research, Inc.
Thursday, February 19th -- 2:00 PM Eastern Time / 11:00 AM Pacific Time
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eValid Division
Software Research, Inc.
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